


Most people get into nursing with the intention to touch—or even save—people’s lives by providing outstanding clinical care. 仍然, 护士的能力取决于她们所知道的, 这就是为什么护理教育领域一直在寻找更有效地培训护士的方法.

主管, 在所有类型的医疗环境中,熟练的护士对患者的结果都有非常实际的影响. And because healthcare is often one of the first industries to benefit from advancing technology like artificial intelligence, we’re already beginning to see AI make a significant impact on nursing education and the rest of the medical field.

就像bbin宝盈娱乐客户端下载社会的许多方面一样, 人工智能有可能彻底改变学生的护理教育, 教练, 以及教育机构. Let’s take a closer look at a few of the most important ways artificial intelligence is poised to transform how we teach and train nurses.

1. 人工智能强化课程发展

确保每一代护士都比上一代做好更充分的准备, 培训项目的持续评估是护理教育的重要组成部分. 因为人工智能辅助平台可以以闪电般的速度处理大量信息, 他们在发现知识缺口方面具有不可思议的潜力, 冗余, 或其他改善护理课程的机会. Analyzing curricula with the aid of AI can help teaching materials remain current in a fast-evolving healthcare industry.

人工智能对教育工作者也有很多有用的应用. 它有可能帮助制定课程计划和试题, 并为批改作业和其他耗时的任务节省大量时间. 通过简化护理教育工作者的工作量, 人工智能增强的平台可以让他们有更多的机会与学生建立个人联系.

2. 个性化学习和适应性评估

学习方式因人而异. 有些人通过倾听来吸收材料效果最好, 而其他人则需要视觉辅助或实践经验来巩固某些概念. One of the greatest challenges in any educational setting is adapting the material to suit different learning styles, 而人工智能辅助学习在这方面大有希望.

人工智能算法可以帮助为每个学生和他们的学习方式量身定制教育内容. 例如, 听觉型学习者可能会听口头解释, 当视觉学习者看到有用的信息图表时. 通过满足每个学生的学习需求, 这给了他们最好的机会来成功地记住这些材料. 毕竟, 当值班护士应对紧急情况时, 他们如何学会采取哪些行动并不重要,重要的是他们一开始就学会了这些行动!

在护理专业学生的整个学习过程中, 人工智能驱动的评估平台还可以在作业过程中提供实时反馈, 小测验, 或测试. 这对帮助学生掌握材料非常有用, 因为他们接受量身定制的指导,而主题仍然是最重要的, 而不是等到一个操劳过度的老师给他们的作业打分. 因为发现模式是人工智能最大的优势之一, 它可以帮助学生发现他们遇到的困难, 并将他们与他们需要的辅导或学习资源联系起来,使他们保持在正轨上.

3. 模拟和虚拟现实(VR)培训

说到在充满挑战的情况下保持冷静,经验是无可替代的. Encountering realistic clinical scenarios during their education prepares newly trained nurses to perform under pressure when they’re working in a real patient-care environment.

沉浸式模拟在磨练动手技能和临床决策方面非常有效, 人工智能有可能使培训平台对护理专业的学生更有利. Artificial intelligence pairs perfectly with VR technology that places nursing students into a believable clinical environment—complete with patients who may be anxious, 在痛苦中, 甚至没有反应. “智能”人体模型在护理学校也变得越来越普遍, 使用人工智能通信模拟器,提供细致入微的互动实践培训体验.

AI-powered platforms can introduce new variables and difficulty levels into training scenarios to develop nurses’ skills, 本能, 以及临床推理能力. AI can also expose nurses to rare scenarios or complications they may not otherwise encounter until several years into their careers. Training in realistic simulations without putting patients at risk helps nursing students build confidence and emotional resilience and prepares them for success during their supervised clinical rotations.


4. 学生成功的预测分析

无论是由于生活环境还是学业困难, 许多有潜力成为优秀护士的学生在他们的教育过程中需要一些额外的支持. AI-powered predictive analytics platforms can help identify students who may be at risk of dropping out and connect them with the resources they need to overcome their challenges.

通过使用人工智能算法来分析出勤等数据点, 任务的参与, 以及获得辅导资源, 教育机构可以提供非评判性的干预,帮助学生走上正轨. 有时, a conversation with a trusted teacher or academic advisor is all it takes to remind someone they have options, 人工智能辅助分析可以主动向那些可能永远不会寻求帮助的学生伸出援手.

Educational institutions that use analytics to keep students engaged in achieving their goals have experienced higher graduation rates and improved student retention. Empowering nursing students to succeed with the latest learning technology not only creates life-changing career opportunities, 这是解决持续的医疗人员短缺问题的关键部分.

5. 临床决策支持中的人工智能

临床决定是在考虑所有可用数据后做出的, and AI has the potential to assist nurses in making better-informed care decisions by analyzing large quantities of patient information. 人工智能辅助的临床决策支持系统有可能建议下一步的步骤, 计算病人病情恶化的几率, 或者提供有关安全问题的信息.

这些见解可以帮助护士发展他们的临床决策技能, 学会把各种指标之间的点联系起来, 减少用药错误的风险, 误诊, 或其他可能危及患者安全的常见错误. AI platforms can also integrate diagnostics and imaging data to help healthcare providers spot pathologies more easily.

人工智能无法取代专业知识, 本能, 经验丰富的护士的观察能力. But it can provide them with powerful tools to help safeguard patients and maintain a safe and efficient care environment. 随着技术的发展, AI and machine learning platforms continue to enable new ways for healthcare organizations to improve patient outcomes and better support their nursing staff.


虽然人工智能对护士和护理专业的学生有许多迷人的潜在应用, 它并非没有挑战和担忧. 的 use of AI in nursing education—and healthcare in general—raises some important ethical considerations that must be addressed if we hope to achieve true health equity.

人工智能算法是由人类训练和编程的, 谁会受到各种形式的有意识和无意识的偏见的影响. 没有足够的监督, this could cause marginalized groups to experience similar biases from AI platforms that they often experience in current care settings. 随着人工智能在bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全领域的应用数量和范围的增加, we must take intentional steps to ensure emerging AI tech uses algorithms programmed to be as inclusive and culturally aware as possible.

因为人工智能算法是使用大量数据训练的, 对敏感健康数据的隐私担忧也开始发挥作用. 人工智能平台只有在患者同意的情况下,才能使用为此特定目的提供的数据进行训练. 就像所有先进的技术一样, 透明度,  问责制, and expert oversight are paramount in ensuring ethical standards keep up with the latest developments and applications.

由于人工智能是一种新兴技术,它还没有受到政府或卫生组织的良好监管. 随着人工智能变得越来越普遍,监管政策可能会出现, 重要的是,它们的创建要考虑到患者和公众的最大利益.



随着人工智能变得更加强大和训练有素, 几乎可以肯定的是,在未来几年,它将彻底改变医疗行业. From fine-tuned curricula and personalized learning experiences to realistic simulations and useful clinical tools, AI has the potential to help future generations of nurses train more effectively and provide higher-quality patient care.

如果你想从事护理工作, it’s important to choose an educational program that gives you the skills and confidence to adapt to rapidly evolving healthcare technologies. 的 在bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全获得护理学学士学位 旨在帮助您在现代bbin大全/bbin白菜平台大全环境中取得成功, 沉浸式VR培训工具,让你为真正的临床遭遇做好准备.

寻找更多关于注册护士职业的信息? 学习 如何成为注册护士,或探索其中潜在的专业 收入最高的护理工作.